Category: Psychedelics

  • Common terms in the psychedelic community

    Common terms in the psychedelic community

    Here are some brief definitions of terms that are commonly used in psychedelic conversations, research, and clinical trials. Psychedelic– mind-manifesting Entheogen– substance that allows inspiration and contentedness from within (the terms psychedelics and entheogens are often used interchangeably) Facilitator/guide/therapist (these terms are also used interchangeably)- The trained professional who sits with you before, during, and…

  • Introduction to psychedelics

    Introduction to psychedelics

    What comes to your mind when you think about psychedelics? The 1960s? Tie-die shirts, Woodstock, drug abuse, and counterculture? We’re plagued with misinformation based on the media and the 50 year drug “war.” Both have which skewed the general public’s understanding of psychedelics. Psychedelics simply means “mind-manifesting.” From the mid 1950s through the early 1970s,…